Think of me as your personal trainer but for your company



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After living half of her life in New York, Maca, speaker and coach, she’s been a trailblazer for more than 35 years. This path has taken her from the United Nations to the depths of the Congo, from raising her children alone to completing grueling long-distance triathlons. She earned a Bachelor's Degree in Administration at age 45 and became certified as a life coach with Jack Canfield (from the movie The Secret).

Maca continues to learn and train with the most prominent professionals in the personal growth industry. She belonged to the Mastermind group of Patty Aubery (creator of the books Chicken Soup for the Soul) and is part of the Mastermind group chaired by Tracey Cirino (best-selling author and coach). She learned how to transform emotions into magnets to attract what one wants with Dr. Joe Dispenza (Quantum Physics Researcher). She perfected public speaking with Scott deMoulin (former partner of Tony Robbins). Macarena has developed her business leadership programs based on the schools of Mario Alonso Puig, Rory Vaden and Amy Porterfield (among others). Her experience, trajectory and challenges give her a solid foundation to help entrepreneurs optimize their performance and become unstoppable in all aspects and thus raise their quality of life.

By turning spiritual concepts into practical tools, she teaches others to activate their potential.

As a speaker, her workshops are practical, concrete and emotional. Personalized and adapted to leadership, sales and productivity teams.

Macarena will revolutionize your corporate event, inspire your team and motivate your audience to make real changes in their lives. Immediately.

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Workshops are between 45 and 90 minutes, virtual or in person. They're all highly interactive and participants take home practical tools that can be used immediately

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